Kindergarten Evaluation

School readiness means that each child enters school ready to engage in and benefit from early learning experiences that best promote the child’s success and ability to be Ready to Grow, Ready to Learn & Ready to Succeed.

Kindergarten Readiness Questions
Can your child follow basic instructions to complete a task?
Does your child use words to explain their feelings?
Does your child share with others?
Does your child demonstrate independent behavior like putting materials in their backpack or putting trash in the trashcan?
Does he/she understand basic concepts of time (morning, afternoon, night)?
Does your child participate in group activities (such as playing a game) with other children?
Does you child take turns when playing games?
Does your child recognize most of the letters of the alphabet?
Does your child say the alphabet from beginning to end?
Does your child turn the pages of a book, starting at the front of a book?
Does your child write their first name?
Does your child write their first and last name?
Does your child speak in sentences of five words of longer?
Does your child stay on topic while in conversation?
Is your child’s speech understood by most adults?
Can your child retell a simple story?
Does your child understand comparative language, i.e. up/down, big/little, in/out, hard/soft…?
Can your child use comparative language, i.e. up/down, big/little, in/out, hard/soft…?
Does your child engage in an activity of their choosing for 10 minutes?
Does your child engage in an activity as directed by an adult for 10 minutes?
Can your child recite some common nursery rhymes or songs?
Does your child persevere with a challenging task like putting together a puzzle, drawing a complex picture, or finding a hidden object?
Does your child engage in pretend play?
Does your child demonstrate a dominant hand for holding, eating, or writing utensils?
Can your child follow 2-3 step directions?
Can your child count in order to at least 30?
Can your child count at least 10 objects?
Does your child say the names of these colors when asked, red, blue, yellow, green, orange, purple?
Does your child point to these colors when asked, white, black, grey, and brown?
Does your child name these shapes when pointed to, circle, square, rectangle, and triangle?
Does your child point to these shapes as they are named, rhombus and oval?
Can your child match and sort objects into groups that are the same? (for example, sort by color, shape, or size)?
Can you child count up to 10 objects in 1 to 1 correspondence (touching one item for each number)?
Does your child put their shoes on themself?
Does your child use the bathroom on their own or with limited help?
Does your child successfully use a fork to eat?
Does your child successfully use a spoon to eat?
Is your child able to play with balls, jump ropes, and do other activities?
Does your child bounce and catch balls?
Does your child climb steps while alternating feet?
Does your child balance while walking a straight line?
Does your child run?
Does your child skip?
Does your child jump on 2 feet?
Does your child hop on one foot?
Is your child willing to try new food?
Does your child drink from an open cup?
Does your child button or snap their own clothes?
Does your child brush their teeth nightly?
Does your child open food containers/packages independently?
Is your child able to hold a pencil/scissors correctly?
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